Artlantis settings enable you to organize your working environment.
In the drop-down menu, choose the units (mm, m, cm, inches, feet and inches).
Select mm or degrees for the viewpoint inspector focus.
Opens the pop-up menu. The change becomes effective the next time a DWG, DWF, DXF, OBJ or 3DS file that does not contain any location-related information is opened.
Viewpoint Update Mode: Select the viewpoint update mode: manual or automatic. This concerns the positions of the camera, viewpoint, camera roll and focal length.
Each time the camera settings are modified, it is the last state that is used. Previous states are not retained, except by clicking on the Back tool (provided the current document has not been saved in the meantime or another viewpoint has not been activated).
When the camera settings have been modified and the user wishes to keep them, the user must update the new state. If the new state is not updated, the next time the file is saved or the next time the viewpoint is changed, the viewpoint that was last updated will be the one displayed.
NB: Updating or not updating the viewpoint will have no effect on any editing to Shaders, objects, lights or backgrounds, which continue to be backed up automatically.
In manual update mode, thumbnails will be updated in the viewpoint list when the user clicks the "Update" button or when a new view is activated.
The thumbnails in the list will not be updated when Shaders, lights or backgrounds are modified.
Affects the display in both the Preview window and the 2D View when the OpenGL display is sought.
Choose one mode from the drop-down menu:
Select the folder that will contain your Media.
By default, Artlantis Media are installed in the Shared folder of the computer.
C:Users/Public/Public Documents/Abvent/Artlantis/Media
Wireframe, Hidden Lines, Color, and Color and Wireframe.
In the OpenGL display the shaders, textures, real lighting and shadows are taken into account.
Rendering Output Folder
There are three choices for the default rendering output folder:
Last Used Folder: The renderings are saved in the last folder used.
Use Document Folder: The renderings are saved at the same level as the current file.
Use Default Output Folder: The renderings are saved by default to the folder defined by clicking on Select Folder...
Default File Format: in the drop-down menu, choose: JPEG, BMP, TARGA, PICT, TIFF, Photoshop or Piranesi.
Default File Name: either the View Name or the Document + View Name.
Activate AutoSave: Save the project at regular time.
Delay: Set 5, 15, 30 or 60 minutes.
Number of versions: Set 3, 5 or 10.
Save to path: Set the saving location of the file, beside the current document or in another place.
NB: During the saving process, Artlantis slows down the workflow.
Language: Artlantis installer checks if the languages of Artlantis can match the current Windows language. If the OS uses a different language, Artlantis is displayed in English. To change to another language, use the language drop-down menu. Changes will take effect once Artlantis is restarted.
Shortcuts: Allows you to edit the shortcuts.
Reset Interface Preferences: The default preferences for the appearance of the interface are reapplied.
Artlantis User Guide:Preference Settings |
© 2016 Abvent |